The Constitution of the CGP/Shamist Society (Caribou Gone Constitution)

CGP/SSPM Constitution

Read our constitution, be aware!!!!!!!

Today, society is in disorder, and class struggle is the planet’s driving force. The wealthy are being oppressed, with a whole 1% of their incomes going to the poor. Gone are the days of yore when the wealthy reigned! Gone are the days when it was safe to play croquet! Now, a blight has been put upon the land, we are here to put it to a stop. The only way to do this, is to put a vanguard party into power, a party run by the vanguard of the aristocracy, a party espousing revolutionary monarchism/feudalism, a party that will unite the international owning classes for a bright future. We have nothing to lose but our Chains, aristocrats of the world unite! 

Art. 1. “Ideology” Art. 1. Sec. 1. 
Our party is a revolutionary vanguard party, ruled by a vanguard of the aristocracy. This party is governed by the most radical members of the party, those who seek the most inequality between the classes. Our party believes in three central tenets; 1., the supremacy of the aristocratic class, 2., absolute monarchy 3., a caste system of first a Monarch, then aristocrats, then multitudes of serfs to produce for society. The ideas described in the constitution are the ideas that the CGP/ SSPM will adopt if they take power. 
Art. 1. Sec. 2. 
Our five points of unity are these: 
  1. An absolute monarchy ruled by J-Dawg Shamshake the 1st, king of the Shamites. 
  2. A society based on two castes 1. the aristocrats and 2. the serfs. 
  3. Creation of a barter economy with the West India tea company as the chief employing force 
    over the world. 
  4. Execution of all trees and caribou. 
  5. Annexation of Canadia into our great nation. 
Art. 1. Sec. 3. 
Our method for taking power, will be through electoral means and community organizing.
Art. 2. “Praxis”

Art. 2. Sec. 1.To take power, we will use the combined forces of both the Shamist Society for Proper Management (SSPM) and the Caribou Gone Party (CGP).

Art. 2. Sec. 2.The Most Honorable Chuck will always be the candidate, he advocates the ideology of both the SSPM and the CGP.

Art. 2. Sec. 3.When we take power by politicking, we will use it to advocate our policies. 
Art. 3. “Governance over society” 
Art. 3. Sec. 1. 
When we take power, our party will use our power to put our ideals into action. 
Art. 3. Sec. 2. 
In our society fig. 1. will be the structure society when we take power. The viziers will advise the King on their assigned issues. 
Art. 3. Sec. 3. 
All Caribou and Trees will be sacrificed to the prophet for the good of our movement. Trees will be made into croquet hoops and Caribou will be arrested, put on trial, then eaten.Art. 3. Sec. 4. 
We will use Monarcho-feudalism to govern society. The first King of our dynasty is J.D.S., the 1st King of the Shamites, after, there will be a succession of siblings, upon the king’s graduation or incapacitation.

Art. 3. Sec. 5. 
Assigned roles of various positions:The King will be the absolute ruler of the Shamites.
The Prophet will be the religious advisor to the King and will be head of the nation’s religion. The Most Honorable Chuck will be the Chairman of the CGP, thus also the candidate.
The Viziers will be advisors to the King on matters assigned to them.
Aristocrats are those who have titles given to them by the king.
All people above are considered humans.
Animals are considered lower than humans.
Serfs are considered to be lower than animals, at least you can eat an animal, you can’t eat a serf. NOTE: When the CGP/SSPM take power, these will be the assigned positions.

Art. 3 Sec. 6. 
This is the full title of the King:
“Most exelent, honorable king, King of all of the realms, from Canadia to the Other side of Canadia, (no, this doesn’t mean from East to West, it means going around the world, if it was just one end of Canadia to the other, that would be quite a low position. Oh, wow, I was rambling there too, where did I leave off? Oh yeah, that’s where, back to business), king of the Shamites. (After this comes the royal name)

Art. 3 Sec. 7. 
Royal Arms of the first King: 

Art. 3 Sec. 8. 
Royal Arms of the Sham Dynasty: 

Art. 4 “Structure of the CGP/SSPM” Art. 4 Sec. 1. 
The CGP is the official political wing of Caribou Gone, led by the Most Honorable Chuck B.. While the CGP will work through politicking, the SSPM works through community organizing. All people in the CGP must vote for CGP candidates. (Unless people apply for voter exemption in special cases)

Art. 4 Sec. 2. 
The Chuck must always be an aristocrat, before becoming Chairman, the Chuck must be made one by the King.
Art. 4 Sec. 3. 
The Leadership of the CGP must be aristocrats1, but they can be made aristocrats by the King. Because the SSPM works through community organizing, the leadership will not all have to aristocrats.

Art. 4 Sec. 3. 
All new developments within the CGP must be endorsed by the Honorable Chuck B., the Prophet and the King. 

Declaration of the Sham Dynasty: 
Today, the days of disorder are coming to end, with the leadership of the King from the Sham dynasty, there will be a reign of 100,000,000,000 generations. 


  1. this is despicable

    1. Comrade Pegasusbut;
      The CGRVP appreciates your support and reminds you to vote for our candidates in the upcoming PCD election.
      Thank you, The CGRVP, Propaganda Division

  2. and the bird thing is pretty racist

  3. Comrade Pegasusbutt;
    Racism is merely a social and ethical issue, it has no factor in the outcome of a scientific study. We recognize the offensiveness of the terms used, but we believe that these are the names most proper for ornithological use. To fully understand a bird we must lower ourselves to its level ... racism is the direct route to that level.
    Thank you, The CGRVP Propaganda Division
