Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Exposition on physics

This is to help everybody on the finals!

Here are some basics:
-The earth is not flat, the earth is a dodecagon with only 6 faces, this was discovered by Sherlock Holmes, the man with no shit.
-The world does not need to make sense (see exposition on logic)
-A force is to be measured in volume.
-Distance is to be measured in cubits.

Less is to come.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Addition to the Catechism of the RBMCM church

We believe that Güd is the greatest. We believe that he created all people equally, and that at base, all people are good. However, people choose to do wrong. Being tall is a choice. Being tall is wrong and it is the cause of the world's problems.

Why is being tall wrong?

It is wrong because it is opposed by Güd and is one of the commandments that he gave. Güd has punished people it through history, first when he created short people in the black leather book that nobody reads. In the BLBNR, it says that being tall should be awarded with punishment. Though it is wrong, we should support them, make them better.

What to do?

Talls should not have rights, especially married, it is between a short and a short.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Join the Horde! The only Military Group outside of the Biumverit!

The Horde is a new group, led by Lord Flasheart, an ace in the air force. It acts as an autonomous clan of dedicated supporters of CGP ideology. Some would say that they are extremists, many are more radical than the CGP itself.
This is true, in recent times, they have even tried to break away, but now, they are full supporters of the king. They are led by none.
Though they are outside of the party itself, they include members.

When asked about Horde tactics, one of the members said that they are guerrillas, getting money for the struggle. The group has even recently been applied as an auxiliary force to defend the PSG from prolish assaults in the early days of the new gub'mit. They are now funding the CGP, they are highwaymen. Their motto is this "We lead others, only the king leads us."

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Military Articles of the CGRVP

Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit or The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party

Article 1: The entirety of the military wing of the CGRVP must abide to the Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit or The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party.

Article 2: The Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit or The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party can officially be referred to as...
The Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit
The Articles of The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party
The Articles
The Military Articles
The Articles of the CGRVP Military

Article 3: the content written in this document can be subject to change.

Article 2: the military wing of the CGRVP is tasked with the duty of doing military stuff
military stuff includes but is not limited to...
ensuring the defense of the CGRVP and its interests
assisting or directly participating in the implementation of party policies

Article 3: the official name of the military wing of the CGRVP are the following...
The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party
The following names can officially be used to refer to the Biumverit...
The Military of the Party
The Military
The Military of the CGRVP

Article 4: The Biumverit is split evenly into the controlby two leaders or Consuls. Each consul controls a realm of the Biumverit. A realm is group of military factions controlled by a single Consul.
Note – To make sure that no one person has too much power is the purpose of this system. To split up the administration and control of the military will make sure that each person in control of the military doesn't too much power.

Article 5: The Consuls must work cooperatively to fulfill the purpose of Article 1.  

Article: Each Consul has equal control. No one Consul has greater power.

Article 6: Military factions are to be fitted into categories.
First, a Military faction is assigned one of the following time periods...
ancient/medieval – beginning of the human race to 1300s
colonial – 1400s to 1700s
imperial – 1800s to 1940s
modern – 1950s to present day
Second, a Military faction is assigned one of the following types...
major army
special forces
secret police
intelligence services

Article: The two Consuls are Mark Gall and Patrick Madden

Article: The following is the Initial Organization of the Biumverit
Realm of Mark Gall
The People's Liberation Army
Rhodesian Army
Roman Army
Israeli Commandos
KGB with Vladimir Putin at the head of it
Imperial Japanese army – 1930s

Realm of Patrick Madden
Delta Tier One
imperial-age armies of Europe
U.S. Army Rangers
Germanic and Gaul tribes, Celts aka Barbarians (barbarians from Roman perspective)
knight orders
the assassins
Navy Seals

Article: After the Initial Organization of the Biumverit, if one Consul adds a military faction to his realm then the other Consul must add a military faction to his realm that's in the same time period and type as the other Consul's.

Note on the People's Liberation Army – At first glance the PLA might be in favor of supporting the proles, mostly because of its name. But the truth is that the PLA has always been in the service of the aristocracy. Look at today in China, the proles are being put in hazardous factories and sweat shops in large numbers and are being paid little to none and the PLA is making sure they don't revolt. There was a time when the stupid proles did revolt which is known as the Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989. The protests were effectively ended by the PLA. On a side note, an example of the prole's stupidity is the Tank Man who's a guy that stood in front of moving tank!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Support the Horde!

The King's Pimpernel, the glory, Robin DaHood!

Among the many groups stepping up to join the defense of the Provisional Student Government is the Horde! A group of brigands on horseback, fighting the proles everywhere! They fund the struggle, every penny counts! Support the Horde!
The Horde has amassed many funds for the army by pillaging prole counterrevolutionary forces. If you support them today, we will rule tomorrow!
Pictures of the Horde in action: See the glory that is the CGP!

Long live the Kings Air Force!

A New Ace fights for the CGP in the airs, gets 12 downed air crafts

A recent occurrence has baffled the CGP leadership
, a member of the small "Kings Air Force" has recently been credited with over 12 in his two day career in the air force of the CGRA. It has also been revealed that he is a serf! [Insert "Gasp!"] He has been flying the king's legitimate lands, fighting the proles. He is simply referred to as "Lord Flashheart," of course, the "Lord" part is just a joke. In an interview, he said "Woof!" and left playing annoying music. Who is this illusive person?

Here is a photo of him in action, long live the aristocracy!
It is interesting to note the fact that the air force is flying missions for the CGP and will continue to protect the Provisional Student Government. When asked about his opinion on the PSG, he insightfully said "Woof! Woof! Gaughus, Woof!"
A party secretary said this about his statement: "Truly inspiring stuff, I agree with what he said about our victory."
He was also asked about his opinion on his becoming an ace, he said "Woof! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooof! Woof!" Great stuff.
-This is as it was reported on CPR (Canadianese Public Radio.)

Comment to join the King's Airforce, defend the Provisional Student Government!