Sunday, May 4, 2014

Military Articles of the CGRVP

Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit or The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party

Article 1: The entirety of the military wing of the CGRVP must abide to the Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit or The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party.

Article 2: The Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit or The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party can officially be referred to as...
The Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit
The Articles of The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party
The Articles
The Military Articles
The Articles of the CGRVP Military

Article 3: the content written in this document can be subject to change.

Article 2: the military wing of the CGRVP is tasked with the duty of doing military stuff
military stuff includes but is not limited to...
ensuring the defense of the CGRVP and its interests
assisting or directly participating in the implementation of party policies

Article 3: the official name of the military wing of the CGRVP are the following...
The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party
The following names can officially be used to refer to the Biumverit...
The Military of the Party
The Military
The Military of the CGRVP

Article 4: The Biumverit is split evenly into the controlby two leaders or Consuls. Each consul controls a realm of the Biumverit. A realm is group of military factions controlled by a single Consul.
Note – To make sure that no one person has too much power is the purpose of this system. To split up the administration and control of the military will make sure that each person in control of the military doesn't too much power.

Article 5: The Consuls must work cooperatively to fulfill the purpose of Article 1.  

Article: Each Consul has equal control. No one Consul has greater power.

Article 6: Military factions are to be fitted into categories.
First, a Military faction is assigned one of the following time periods...
ancient/medieval – beginning of the human race to 1300s
colonial – 1400s to 1700s
imperial – 1800s to 1940s
modern – 1950s to present day
Second, a Military faction is assigned one of the following types...
major army
special forces
secret police
intelligence services

Article: The two Consuls are Mark Gall and Patrick Madden

Article: The following is the Initial Organization of the Biumverit
Realm of Mark Gall
The People's Liberation Army
Rhodesian Army
Roman Army
Israeli Commandos
KGB with Vladimir Putin at the head of it
Imperial Japanese army – 1930s

Realm of Patrick Madden
Delta Tier One
imperial-age armies of Europe
U.S. Army Rangers
Germanic and Gaul tribes, Celts aka Barbarians (barbarians from Roman perspective)
knight orders
the assassins
Navy Seals

Article: After the Initial Organization of the Biumverit, if one Consul adds a military faction to his realm then the other Consul must add a military faction to his realm that's in the same time period and type as the other Consul's.

Note on the People's Liberation Army – At first glance the PLA might be in favor of supporting the proles, mostly because of its name. But the truth is that the PLA has always been in the service of the aristocracy. Look at today in China, the proles are being put in hazardous factories and sweat shops in large numbers and are being paid little to none and the PLA is making sure they don't revolt. There was a time when the stupid proles did revolt which is known as the Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989. The protests were effectively ended by the PLA. On a side note, an example of the prole's stupidity is the Tank Man who's a guy that stood in front of moving tank!

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