Friday, May 16, 2014

Addition to the Catechism of the RBMCM church

We believe that Güd is the greatest. We believe that he created all people equally, and that at base, all people are good. However, people choose to do wrong. Being tall is a choice. Being tall is wrong and it is the cause of the world's problems.

Why is being tall wrong?

It is wrong because it is opposed by Güd and is one of the commandments that he gave. Güd has punished people it through history, first when he created short people in the black leather book that nobody reads. In the BLBNR, it says that being tall should be awarded with punishment. Though it is wrong, we should support them, make them better.

What to do?

Talls should not have rights, especially married, it is between a short and a short.

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