Monday, April 14, 2014

Are We a Cult?

Are We a Cult?

-General Secretary V.

Are we a cult? First off, one would have define a cult. A cult is a religious group founded around a person who exerts total control over his/her followers. Then, it's necessary to define Caribou Gone. Caribou Gone is a movement that seeks to establish an absolute monarchy. Absolute monarchy is both political and religious in nature because in the good ol' days, the Absolute monarch had divine right. Therefore, absolute monarchy is both religious and political, while a cult is purely religious. Because this is true, Caribou Gone holds the king as supreme in both political and religious realms while cults view their leaders as supreme in only the religious one. Because this is true, we say that our comrade cult leaders don't go too far, but instead don't go far enough and should take political power over their followers. 
Long Live the Absolute Monarchy!
Long Live Cults!

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