Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Vote for the Caribou Gone party in PCD's presidential elections!

As the warmth of summer appears on the southern horizon, it is once more time for PCD's presidential election. This year the CGRVP have elected a pair of candidates, two people well suited for the job of maintaining a school community while still working for the aristocracy. So to all the members of the CGRVP we say vote for the aristocratic candidates (and if at all possible vote multiple times!).


  1. How shall we vote multiple times? I want to but you are only allowed one vote per person. If they are elected I would like people to be able to have multiple votes.

  2. The CGRVP belives that to maintain the perfect society; one must work for corruption. It is unlikely that we will have the opportunity to vote multiple times (which would be corrupt) - but if our candidates succeed anyways (without our corrupt politics), then, with the aid of their power, we will work to eradicate voting from our school government altogether. Instead we will have an absolute monarchy.
    The CGRVP appreciates your support.
    - The CGRVP, Propoganda Division
