Tuesday, April 29, 2014

On the Provisional Student Government

Because of the illegitimate  loss of the CGP in the elections, the CGP declares a Provisional Student Government. This PSG will work with the CPG to do everything that the regular student government does but far damn better. Its tasks include nothing. We view it as the only legitimate student government. The leaders of the student government are from now on Imara White and Izzie Bauman. The CGP endorses this and from now on, the King of the realms of Canadia is the official king of the Student Government. Any concerns are to be directed to the king. Until the next student election, the CGP PSG will be the true student government. The king will be king over the whole world, especially the realms of Canadia. Thus, from now on, the world is an absolute monarchy and run by a dictatorship of the aristocracy. Until the PSG is recognized by the student body, there will be an Anti-hunger strike. (An anti-hunger strike is where the strikers eat normally like usual)
Long live the PSG!
Let the Fight Go On!
Long live Feudalism!

To join the anti-hunger strike, contact the CGP.

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