Monday, April 7, 2014

Revealing are new anthem!

Ode to the Shamites

Hail king, hail the king,
 For the aristocracy, justice he will bring,
All that resist shall be cursed with, Stergion … sting?

Down with the masses who for freedom sing,
For they shall be sauced and cursed with less than semi-fashionable hair … ings?
All the folks who are oppressing,
Their blood shall soon be used a ranch dressing,

At these peasants, brimstone shall we fling,
Chants of war all around do ring.
All these peasants shall not think,
For onto the death shall we bring.

Hail king, hail the king,
 For the aristocracy, justice he will bring,
All that resist shall be cursed with, Stergion … sting?

For the Alfredo Noodles shall be a meowing,
And all the poor will soon be dying,
For all they did against the king … ing?,
The swaggers shall be killed by daggers sting.

For what the Prophet has been prophesying,
Shall soon be come a flying,
And upon the heads of all the rioting,
Shonfini  and Stergiosis shall bring about dying.

Hail king, hail the king,
 For the aristocracy, justice he will bring,
All that resist shall be cursed with, Stergion … sting?

So down to all the oppressing,
To them, we send a warning,
For Stergion wrath shall soon be f lying,
And all the rioters will soon be dying.

Hail king, hail the king,
 For the aristocracy, justice he will bring,
All that resist shall be cursed with, Stergion … sting?

Hail king!^100,000,000,000 (‘cause were the aristocracy so we don’t have to say it that many times, but the serfs do)

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