Thursday, April 10, 2014

Party line concerning the revolutionary vanguard

The Vanguard and the Serfic class

Can serfs be of the vanguard?

It needs to be understood that the vanguard is a group that unlike the aristocracy, is not hereditary. This means that serfs are able to be of the vanguard, however obviously they cannot be aristocrats. Aristocrats are superior to serfs, this is true, however, Caribou Gone ideals are not based on logic, but instead feelings of truth. Because this is true, what a serf feels may be more in line with Caribou Gone teachings than what an aristocrat thinks. What is important when it comes to the vanguard, is not class, but obedience. Those who move the closest to the ideals of CG, are the vanguard. A serf who works without pay and does everything for an aristocrat is more of the vanguard than an aristocrat who actually gives something (gasp) to a serf. A person who votes 1,000,000,000,000 times in an election where 1 vote is allowed, no matter the caste is a prime revolutionary.

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