Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blasphemers always lie.

Blasphemers always lie. 

A response to our new enemies

The revolutionary struggle is still in full force and the revolutionary train is still chugging along the party line, however, there is a new turn that we are taking. An illegitimate organization, Raven corp, is spreading lies about our legitimate class struggle. We are the vanguard of an exciting movement to liberate the rich aristocrats. The people have spread 2 lies in their 3 posts: 1. That we made a pact with an evil, zombified, german dictator, zombie Hitler. 2. that we want to commit genocide on cats. Both are untrue and those who believe it must be ousted. Here, we will refute both claims. 
1. That we made a pact with an evil, zombified, german dictator, zombie Hitler.
This is in fact not true, the man that is there in their photo is in fact embalmed Winston Churchill, the hero, the hero of the British Isles. Why, do tell, would us classy people, ever be allied with a horrible prole like Hitler when he seemed to destroy the British monarchy? Also, we do not ally with zombies, they are horrible, blasphemous demons. The embalmed are the vanguard of the dead aristocracy. 
2. That we want to commit genocide on cats. 
This statement by the infidels is completely untrue. We support the cats of the world, infact some of our upper members even own indivduals of the species. The CGP completely supports cats, but we have declared GAHAN(!) against all the rats of the world - particularly the hord that is Raven Corp!
Raven Corp has also stated that we are racist against birds. This is completely true. We activeley support the racial classification of birds. For the sake of all the ravens of the world, I say this to Raven Corp; you pervert the good name of the corvids!

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