Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Wha wadna fecht for Charlie?

Wha wadna fecht for Charlie?

This is a very important question for revolutionary feudalists, wha wadna fecht for Charlie? The obvious answer is.....the CGRVP!
In 1745, Charlie, an absolutist vying for the British throne took a band of 2000 Scottish highlanders to go and fecht against the hanoverian monarchs of the time. They were savagely defeated, however, bonnie Charlie survived. In this spirit, the CGRVP would like all members to sign this petition:

Wha wadna fecht for Charlie? Wha wadna draw the sword? Wha wadna up an' rally, at the royal Prince's word? Think on Scotia's ancient hero's, think on foreign foes repelled, think on glorious gruesome Wallace, wha the proud usurper quelled. Wha wadna fecht for Charlie? Wha wadna draw the sword? Wha wadna up an' rally 
At the royal Prince's word? See the northern clans advancing, see Glen Garry and Lochiel, see the brandished broadsword glancing, highland hearts as true as steel.
Wha wadna fecht for Charlie? Wha wadna draw the sword? Wha wadna up an' rally At the royal Prince's word? Now the prince has raised his banner, now triumphant is our cause, now the Scottish lion rallies, let us strike for Prince and Laws. Wha wadna fecht for Charlie? Wha wadna draw the sword? Wha wadna up an' rally, at the royal Prince's word? 
Sign in the comments!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Exposition on physics

This is to help everybody on the finals!

Here are some basics:
-The earth is not flat, the earth is a dodecagon with only 6 faces, this was discovered by Sherlock Holmes, the man with no shit.
-The world does not need to make sense (see exposition on logic)
-A force is to be measured in volume.
-Distance is to be measured in cubits.

Less is to come.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Addition to the Catechism of the RBMCM church

We believe that Güd is the greatest. We believe that he created all people equally, and that at base, all people are good. However, people choose to do wrong. Being tall is a choice. Being tall is wrong and it is the cause of the world's problems.

Why is being tall wrong?

It is wrong because it is opposed by Güd and is one of the commandments that he gave. Güd has punished people it through history, first when he created short people in the black leather book that nobody reads. In the BLBNR, it says that being tall should be awarded with punishment. Though it is wrong, we should support them, make them better.

What to do?

Talls should not have rights, especially married, it is between a short and a short.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Join the Horde! The only Military Group outside of the Biumverit!

The Horde is a new group, led by Lord Flasheart, an ace in the air force. It acts as an autonomous clan of dedicated supporters of CGP ideology. Some would say that they are extremists, many are more radical than the CGP itself.
This is true, in recent times, they have even tried to break away, but now, they are full supporters of the king. They are led by none.
Though they are outside of the party itself, they include members.

When asked about Horde tactics, one of the members said that they are guerrillas, getting money for the struggle. The group has even recently been applied as an auxiliary force to defend the PSG from prolish assaults in the early days of the new gub'mit. They are now funding the CGP, they are highwaymen. Their motto is this "We lead others, only the king leads us."

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Military Articles of the CGRVP

Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit or The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party

Article 1: The entirety of the military wing of the CGRVP must abide to the Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit or The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party.

Article 2: The Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit or The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party can officially be referred to as...
The Articles of Conduct, Organization, and Administration of the Biumverit
The Articles of The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party
The Articles
The Military Articles
The Articles of the CGRVP Military

Article 3: the content written in this document can be subject to change.

Article 2: the military wing of the CGRVP is tasked with the duty of doing military stuff
military stuff includes but is not limited to...
ensuring the defense of the CGRVP and its interests
assisting or directly participating in the implementation of party policies

Article 3: the official name of the military wing of the CGRVP are the following...
The Military Wing of the Caribou Gone Revolutionary Vanguard Party
The following names can officially be used to refer to the Biumverit...
The Military of the Party
The Military
The Military of the CGRVP

Article 4: The Biumverit is split evenly into the controlby two leaders or Consuls. Each consul controls a realm of the Biumverit. A realm is group of military factions controlled by a single Consul.
Note – To make sure that no one person has too much power is the purpose of this system. To split up the administration and control of the military will make sure that each person in control of the military doesn't too much power.

Article 5: The Consuls must work cooperatively to fulfill the purpose of Article 1.  

Article: Each Consul has equal control. No one Consul has greater power.

Article 6: Military factions are to be fitted into categories.
First, a Military faction is assigned one of the following time periods...
ancient/medieval – beginning of the human race to 1300s
colonial – 1400s to 1700s
imperial – 1800s to 1940s
modern – 1950s to present day
Second, a Military faction is assigned one of the following types...
major army
special forces
secret police
intelligence services

Article: The two Consuls are Mark Gall and Patrick Madden

Article: The following is the Initial Organization of the Biumverit
Realm of Mark Gall
The People's Liberation Army
Rhodesian Army
Roman Army
Israeli Commandos
KGB with Vladimir Putin at the head of it
Imperial Japanese army – 1930s

Realm of Patrick Madden
Delta Tier One
imperial-age armies of Europe
U.S. Army Rangers
Germanic and Gaul tribes, Celts aka Barbarians (barbarians from Roman perspective)
knight orders
the assassins
Navy Seals

Article: After the Initial Organization of the Biumverit, if one Consul adds a military faction to his realm then the other Consul must add a military faction to his realm that's in the same time period and type as the other Consul's.

Note on the People's Liberation Army – At first glance the PLA might be in favor of supporting the proles, mostly because of its name. But the truth is that the PLA has always been in the service of the aristocracy. Look at today in China, the proles are being put in hazardous factories and sweat shops in large numbers and are being paid little to none and the PLA is making sure they don't revolt. There was a time when the stupid proles did revolt which is known as the Tiananmen Square Protests of 1989. The protests were effectively ended by the PLA. On a side note, an example of the prole's stupidity is the Tank Man who's a guy that stood in front of moving tank!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Support the Horde!

The King's Pimpernel, the glory, Robin DaHood!

Among the many groups stepping up to join the defense of the Provisional Student Government is the Horde! A group of brigands on horseback, fighting the proles everywhere! They fund the struggle, every penny counts! Support the Horde!
The Horde has amassed many funds for the army by pillaging prole counterrevolutionary forces. If you support them today, we will rule tomorrow!
Pictures of the Horde in action: See the glory that is the CGP!

Long live the Kings Air Force!

A New Ace fights for the CGP in the airs, gets 12 downed air crafts

A recent occurrence has baffled the CGP leadership
, a member of the small "Kings Air Force" has recently been credited with over 12 in his two day career in the air force of the CGRA. It has also been revealed that he is a serf! [Insert "Gasp!"] He has been flying the king's legitimate lands, fighting the proles. He is simply referred to as "Lord Flashheart," of course, the "Lord" part is just a joke. In an interview, he said "Woof!" and left playing annoying music. Who is this illusive person?

Here is a photo of him in action, long live the aristocracy!
It is interesting to note the fact that the air force is flying missions for the CGP and will continue to protect the Provisional Student Government. When asked about his opinion on the PSG, he insightfully said "Woof! Woof! Gaughus, Woof!"
A party secretary said this about his statement: "Truly inspiring stuff, I agree with what he said about our victory."
He was also asked about his opinion on his becoming an ace, he said "Woof! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooof! Woof!" Great stuff.
-This is as it was reported on CPR (Canadianese Public Radio.)

Comment to join the King's Airforce, defend the Provisional Student Government!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Support the anti-hunger strikers!

To be recognized by the student body, some members of the PSG have gone on an anti-hunger strike where they will eat normally as usual for the cause of revolutionary feudalism. The anti-hunger strike is aimed at the cause of the PSG. To join, comment on the article and you will be part of the roll of honor!



On the Provisional Student Government

Because of the illegitimate  loss of the CGP in the elections, the CGP declares a Provisional Student Government. This PSG will work with the CPG to do everything that the regular student government does but far damn better. Its tasks include nothing. We view it as the only legitimate student government. The leaders of the student government are from now on Imara White and Izzie Bauman. The CGP endorses this and from now on, the King of the realms of Canadia is the official king of the Student Government. Any concerns are to be directed to the king. Until the next student election, the CGP PSG will be the true student government. The king will be king over the whole world, especially the realms of Canadia. Thus, from now on, the world is an absolute monarchy and run by a dictatorship of the aristocracy. Until the PSG is recognized by the student body, there will be an Anti-hunger strike. (An anti-hunger strike is where the strikers eat normally like usual)
Long live the PSG!
Let the Fight Go On!
Long live Feudalism!

To join the anti-hunger strike, contact the CGP.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Blasphemers always lie.

Blasphemers always lie. 

A response to our new enemies

The revolutionary struggle is still in full force and the revolutionary train is still chugging along the party line, however, there is a new turn that we are taking. An illegitimate organization, Raven corp, is spreading lies about our legitimate class struggle. We are the vanguard of an exciting movement to liberate the rich aristocrats. The people have spread 2 lies in their 3 posts: 1. That we made a pact with an evil, zombified, german dictator, zombie Hitler. 2. that we want to commit genocide on cats. Both are untrue and those who believe it must be ousted. Here, we will refute both claims. 
1. That we made a pact with an evil, zombified, german dictator, zombie Hitler.
This is in fact not true, the man that is there in their photo is in fact embalmed Winston Churchill, the hero, the hero of the British Isles. Why, do tell, would us classy people, ever be allied with a horrible prole like Hitler when he seemed to destroy the British monarchy? Also, we do not ally with zombies, they are horrible, blasphemous demons. The embalmed are the vanguard of the dead aristocracy. 
2. That we want to commit genocide on cats. 
This statement by the infidels is completely untrue. We support the cats of the world, infact some of our upper members even own indivduals of the species. The CGP completely supports cats, but we have declared GAHAN(!) against all the rats of the world - particularly the hord that is Raven Corp!
Raven Corp has also stated that we are racist against birds. This is completely true. We activeley support the racial classification of birds. For the sake of all the ravens of the world, I say this to Raven Corp; you pervert the good name of the corvids!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Are We a Cult?

Are We a Cult?

-General Secretary V.

Are we a cult? First off, one would have define a cult. A cult is a religious group founded around a person who exerts total control over his/her followers. Then, it's necessary to define Caribou Gone. Caribou Gone is a movement that seeks to establish an absolute monarchy. Absolute monarchy is both political and religious in nature because in the good ol' days, the Absolute monarch had divine right. Therefore, absolute monarchy is both religious and political, while a cult is purely religious. Because this is true, Caribou Gone holds the king as supreme in both political and religious realms while cults view their leaders as supreme in only the religious one. Because this is true, we say that our comrade cult leaders don't go too far, but instead don't go far enough and should take political power over their followers. 
Long Live the Absolute Monarchy!
Long Live Cults!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Party line concerning the revolutionary vanguard

The Vanguard and the Serfic class

Can serfs be of the vanguard?

It needs to be understood that the vanguard is a group that unlike the aristocracy, is not hereditary. This means that serfs are able to be of the vanguard, however obviously they cannot be aristocrats. Aristocrats are superior to serfs, this is true, however, Caribou Gone ideals are not based on logic, but instead feelings of truth. Because this is true, what a serf feels may be more in line with Caribou Gone teachings than what an aristocrat thinks. What is important when it comes to the vanguard, is not class, but obedience. Those who move the closest to the ideals of CG, are the vanguard. A serf who works without pay and does everything for an aristocrat is more of the vanguard than an aristocrat who actually gives something (gasp) to a serf. A person who votes 1,000,000,000,000 times in an election where 1 vote is allowed, no matter the caste is a prime revolutionary.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

On the racial classification of animals; #1

Exposition On The Racial Classification of Bird Species

-Issued by the Shamist People’s College-joint venture by the Philosophy/Theology and Biology departments.


This was written by the Shamist Society for Proper Management as a resource on science for the education of all people, animals and serfs. The main issue is the classification of birds, and why this is why they should be classified this way. This text was commissioned as a joint venture, as to add both philosophy and science to produce a rational understanding of animals, namely birds. It is the first part of a series of writings on the world to help the people understand issues in science, philosophy and religion.


The natural world is made up of complex relationships between beasts. These relationships work to both divide and unite beasts, creating certain castes or species. These castes can be looked at as furred animals, feathered animals, scaled animals, small animals, elongated animals, greened animals, skinned animals and human animals. Furred animals and human animals are the most intelligent animals, awarded with a soul by the great creator.

Here are the noticeable roles for those types of animals:

Furred animals: Furred animals along with humans are the most intelligent animals. They also provide us with food because they serve us. (dogs, lions, cats)

Feathered animals: feathered animals are the most complicated type because they have the capacity for flight. Much effort has been put into finding a reason for flight. The main theory, which is also the most realistic is that their flight exists to allow them to transport small animals, the least intelligent moving animals. Feathered animals work as transportation for small animals. Feathered animals need air to fly. (eagles, doves)

Scaled animals: Scaled animals are very diverse. They live under the blue firmaments, moving as do drones. Study suggests that they are in fact filled with air, yet have no thinking capabilities. The air, might be the reason that feathered animals seek them as food, the best theory on this is that scaled animals are soulless drones that act as an air source for feathered animals. (fish, sharks, octopuses, dolphins)

Small animals: Small animals are the least intelligent animals besides greened and scaled animals (who are thoughtless drones). The only way that they can move is by being transported by feathered animals, who are demonstrably more intelligent. This can be proven by showing that small animals are not edible, yet feathered animals inhale them, likely to transport them. (ants, spiders)

Elongated animals: Elongated animals exist mainly to slither. The best theory is that the creator made them from a piece of grass to show his judgement on those who he dislikes. (Snakes)

Greened animals: Greened animals do not move. They stay in place and provide food for other animals, in essence they are drone-like martyrs. (Trees, grass)

Skinned animals: Skinned animals are also thoughtless drones who act as air-pockets for birds. (Frogs, lizards)

Human animals: Human animals are the only animals who can think and suffer, they are covered in skin and can eat all animals, thus they are the king of animals.

Serfs: Serfs are the lowest life-forms because they have no value and cannot be eaten. Investigations have tried to figure whether they can think or not, also whether they may serve animals, seeing that animals serve humans. (There will be an exposition on serfs in the series.) They likely have no soul, but not enough research has been done to prove this true or false.

Focus questions:
(1.) How do birds work, do they(?), (2.) do they distinguish(?),
and if they do, (3.) how should they be classified?

Question #1 - answered;
Preliminary notes:
- Birds are feathered, we can see that they are feathered when we look at them, catch them, kill them, look at them closer, and live in them.
- It is believed that feathers serve the bird in producing flight. We know this as when they fly, we see their feathers. Also feathers are very dynamic and light when dropped from a high tree, building, mountain, or bird.
- From the fact that they fly regularly, it can be rightly assumed that they are doing something. In doing something that is regular to them it seems highly unlikely that this is a irregular occurrence and that this is not how they work. Therefore, if they don’t not work then they must logically work.
- Seeing that they fly, they must have a reason to do so.
- Feathers do not fly on their own, neither do birds, therefore another element must enter into the equation.
- Birds eat skinned animals and scaled animals. Scientists have said that they do not eat small animals, but instead, house them and transport them because they are not intelligent enough to do so themselves.
- Birds have different essences and colorations, therefore there must be different types.

1st Explanation;
- Birds wear feathers which have evolved from the ancient scales of the dinosaur’s, their ancestors. Once more, we know this because we looked. Comparing scientifically fossilized dinosaur remains with specimens of the modern birds. This makes sense.
- When studied closely, one finds that the bird as we see it is not the true body of the bird, but merely a thick outer layer, greatly expanding the size of the bird. Without this additional layer of feathers, birds would be of a most pitiful size and shape. This added body span, of such little additional weight to the bird, supports the animal in flight.
- If they are alive, then, in all likelihood, they are in at least some way; working. It seems unlikely that the birds purpose in life is; not to exhibit life.
- Flying is an effective means of transportation which is used in such happenings as the birds flying; from nest to feeding location, from the first snowflakes of winter and back again once the snow is gone, and for fun.
- Neither feathers nor birds fly without the other; wit is necessary for the birds to be of a light weight for flight to be achieved.
- The eating of skinned and scaled animals gives the birds energy. Energy is an essential factor in flight. Flight is an essential factor in the transportation of small animals. We do not know what the transportation of small animals is an essential factor of.
- If the birds; sound different, breed different, act different, fly different, live different, move different, grow different, and look different, than they are probably different. Groups of similar birds, which are not different from each other but all the other birds, are known as; families, genus’, and species [in a descending amount of variation].

2nd Explanation
-Birds have feathers to clothe themselves, like humans, otherwise, they’d be unclothed, which is not morally acceptable to bird society. Furthermore, birds fly. To fly, they need to be light, to be light, they clothe themselves with light materials like their feathers. Therefore, feathers act as one of the three needed materials for flight; feathers, body, and another needed element, which we’ll investigate later in the explanation.
-Birds fly. Feathers act as one of the three needed elements, but the other elements are needed. Neither a nude bird, nor a feather can fly alone. A bird adds the possibility for movement, feathers add aerodynamics and clothing for the bird to both keep warm and to keep from being naked.
-Birds produce eggs. Eggs are a food source, therefore, they do work. Furthermore, it is known that birds also carry small animals to destination, similar to a taxi. Because we see birds doing both activities, it is true that they do work in the human sense. Furthermore, since they fly and are able to move, they likely also work in the mechanical sense.
-Birds fly because they act as carriers for lesser beings like rodents, mice, ants, worms, sheep, etc. This is true, because it can be observed that they do in fact take these beings. There are not many rodents, mice, ants, worms or sheep, so it can be assumed that birds carry them so that they can do what they need to do. (Mayhem et. al.).
-This is perhaps one of the more complex issues in the exposition. The Philosopher has noted (De anima 413a23) that there is a natural hierarchy in activities for the soul: 1.Growth, nutrition, 2. Locomotion, perception, 3. Intellect. Birds are known to be involved in 1. and 2., however only humans do the third. He also adds that there are three degrees of soul: 1.Nutritive soul (plants), 2. Sensitive soul (all beasts), 3.Rational soul (humans). Beasts have a sensitive soul: they move, but they do not reason. According to our research, it is likely that scaled and small are also only given a nutritive soul. Scaled animals do not make noises and cannot move in an intelligent manner and small animals likely also do not possess reason, seeing that they move without intelligence into cars. (If the Philosopher had a car or a lawn, he’d know this too). Since plants have nutritive souls that do not permit them to move, it is assumed that they act simply as a source of sustenance in some way. Scaled and small animals also do not move intelligently or show any signs of intelligence, so it’s likely that they also act as a source of sustenance as their primary role in the animals kingdom. The animals that eat the most fish are feathered animals, indicating that they have a special need for scaled animals. Research also suggests that scaled and skinned animals are in fact “air pockets,” allowing them to move so stupidly in the water. This means that feathered animals must be eating scaled animals for air. The two known elements needed for flight are 1. the Bird and 2. Feathers. As science has proven, feathers act as clothes for the bird. Because feathered animals eat air, the air must be the third element. Therefore flight has three components: 1. the Bird, 2. Feathers, and 3. Air.
-Feathers are the main difference that different types of birds show. The visible difference is coloration, same as humans. Seeing that this is true, birds must act similarly in relation to coloration that humans do. Seeing that humans are racist and use coloration to discriminate, this also can be said of birds: Birds have races, and because birds are not as clever as humans, they must still discriminate-Birds are racists and should be treated as such. This is the main subject of this exposition.

Answer to question 2:
Preliminary notes:
-Birds have different colorations, these coloration denote both different varieties and different genders.
-The differences in coloration seem to relate to geography in some cases (snowy owl), while in other cases, this cannot be shown to be true (pelican, cardinal, bunting; where the coloration gives no particular benefit).  
-Humans can be racists. More educated humans are generally less racist. Birds are not as intelligent as humans, seeing that they have no intellect, so cannot by nature be educated at all, even less likely; more educated than any particular man.
-Birds may classify each other by race.
-If they do, it may cause tensions.

1st Explanation:
- Birds are distinguishable by both shape and coloration. These distinctions prove that their are different types of birds.
- It is scientifically proven that humans, when uneducated, are racist and xenophobic.
- When humans are educated they are not racist.
- Birds, lacking intellect, cannot be educated.
- If Birds cannot be educated, than they are not educated.
- Science has shown that the lesser the creature is, the more prone to unethical behavior they are.
- Birds are lesser beings than humans, and they lack an education, therefore it can be said that birds have racial divisions.
- This racism can be seen in an average birds social behavior.
- Songbirds, in particular the more colorful species, are commonly seen to harass resting raptors, all of whom are of a brownish hue ... this is clearly racism!
- Birds are also known to create a nesting colony with others of the same species, or with species of very similar species ... the do not nest near birds distinctively unlike itself!
- It can be said, therefore, that birds are racist and xenophobic.

2nd Explanation:
- There is great variation in plumage color of birds.
- It is shown that, when a bird sees a differently colored bird, the bird will recognize that the other individual is unlike itself.
- It is known that living animals, universally, believe themselves to be perfect and others imperfect (take for example; man and animal, dog and cat...).
- Therefore, when an individual is seen as different than that individual will be thought of as lesser.
- An individual being thought of as lesser, is racism.

Answer to question 3:
Preliminary notes:
- Birds are racist.
- When individuals are racist, than they often use derogatory language when referring to the disrespected ethnicity.
- Birds should be classified by their own designation standards, for example the Killdeer’s [Charadrius vociferus] call is a harsh “kill-deer, kill-deer”, obviously the bird is repeating his name over and over again (that is why it is called a Killdeer).
- Therefore, if it can be assumed that from fowl to owl, all birds use foul names for other species (particularly birds of unlike appearance to itself).
- We cannot properly translate into English all bird calls, so we must replicate the insulting names by comparison with the human standards of racist labels.
- Identifying birds by race, serves to eliminate the wasting of time by naturalists who have to memorize the names, field marks, range, and habits of thousands of species.
- With our revolutionary system, birds can be identified instantly and little study need be devoted to them, as there are, in North America, only 21 known bird species.
- We need not concern ourselves with the behavior of individual birds, but should study only at the species level (as this saves time).

1st Explanation:
- Birds are recognized as racist.
- Humans that are racist use derogatory and foul language when referring to the disrespected individual.
- Humans are educated and have intellect, birds are not educated and have no intellect.
- Creatures with less education are generally more prone to the use of insulting language.
- Birds being uneducated, they are therefore; likely to use racist language.
- Birds should be recognized to the species level as accurately as possible.
- What can be more accurate than using the titles birds give each other, these labels imply more about the individuals than any english or latin names.
- Therefore, we supply a handy key to identifying the 21 North American species, including exotics, in racial terms which appear to adequately compare to the racial slurs of the birds.

2nd Explanation:
- Many top-notch scientists have spent years organizing and observing the thousands of recognized bird species.
- This is scientifically proven to be a waste of time.
- Why do we need to know about the habits of all these unimportant species?
- It surely appears obvious that we should simplify the study that is ornithology significantly.
- We can do this by classifying birds at a much less detailed level.
- The most reasonable way of defining the species should be classifying birds by; rane and coloration.
- As we have shown, birds classify each other by range and coloration, and refer to the separate species with racially derogatory terms.
- Therefore, for the sake of science, we should group birds by range and coloration at a broader level.
- We should refer to these broader species with racial slurs as it gives us a better understanding of the mental workings of the bird - we must lower ourselves to the birds level to know them fully.

Key to the North American Bird Races;

1. Originated in;
   South - 2.
   North - 3.
   Middle - 4.
   Elsewhere - 5.

2. Color;
   Dark - Southern Negro Bird - Rubercervix nigeri
   Light - Cracker Bird - Rubercervix candidi
   Both - Southern Mulatto Bird - Rubercervix nigerusalbque
       - Blue - Pig Bird - Rubercervix porkus
       - Red - Injun Bird - Rubercervix ethnicus
3. Color;
   Dark - Northern Negro Bird - Liberatus nigerus
   Light - Yankee Bird - Liberatus candidus
   Both - Northern Mulatto Bird - Liberatus nigerusalbque
       - Blue - Pig Bird - Liberatus porkus
       - Red - Savage Bird - Liberatus ethnicus

4. Color;
   Dark - Central Negro Bird - Fatuus nigeri
   Light - Central Cracker Bird - Fatuus candidi
   Both - Southern Mulatto Bird - Fatuus nigerusalbque
      - Blue - Pig Bird - Fatuus porkus
      - Red - Heathen Bird - Fatuus ethnicus

5. Color;
   Dark - Foreign Negro Bird - Alius nigeri
   Light - Frenchie Bird - Alius candidi
   Both - Foreign Mulato Bird - Alius nigerusalbque
      - Blue - Pig Bird - Alius porkus
      - Yellow - Oriental Bird - Alius  aurei
      - Red - Angry Bird - Alius iratus
  - Other light - Foreiner Burd - Alius forenus